Tuesday, August 24, 2010

That's Cool

Dear Sonia,

Over the weekend, you told Mommy you wanted to give me a call. Mommy tried to tell you that I wasn't home - I was away for the weekend. You didn't care.

The phone went straight to voicemail, and you left me a message:

Hellllllloooo. (You do this little draw-out thing when you say hello.)
I just wanted to call you.
I will see you next week!
I love you Auntie Karen!

It was adorable. I tried calling you back a few times when my phone finally came back to life (I'd been up in Maine biking and the phone had died from the effort of trying to find a signal in the woods), but I didn't reach you until last night.

You were having spaghetti for dinner and Mom and Dad were there too. We had a little chat.

Me: Sorry I didn't call you back this weekend Sonia, I was riding my bike a long way near the Ocean.
You: That's cool.
Your Mom: That was completely unprompted.
Me: Really?
You: I said "That's cool."
Me and Your Mom: Yes you did, Sonia!

This was your first unprompted use of the phrase "that's cool" with me. This is one of my favorite phrases. Welcome to its usage.

I'm coming to your house on Friday. Now, THAT'S COOL!


Auntie K

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Gate, The Gate!

Sonia, girl,

Mommy told me a funny story! Of course, true to form, she was laughing so hard I could barely understand her!

You and Mom went out to put the recycling out. You had the gate clicker, which is your job. On the way back, you were ahead of her on the driveway, and she suddenly veered to the front door to get some newspapers which were there. You didn't see her go, and when you looked back, she was missing!

And, you had hit the gate clicker thing so the gate started to close on you and you just stood there crying holding the clicker.

The gate was going to shut on you and knock you to the ground and run you over and who knows what else!

Mommy, even though she is 32 weeks pregnant, ran and scooped you up just in time so the gate only hit you on the ankles. No mark. (Although you tried to claim there were when she was telling me this story on the phone.)

You had the power to stop this horrible tragedy from befalling you, simply by clicking the button again. But, even though you are super awesome brilliant amazing, you are just too little to deal with Mommy disappearing off the face of the Earth and saving yourself from a certain death all in one fell swoop. That skill will come. Not to worry.

Love you! See you next Friday!

Auntie K