Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sonia's Rainbow

Dear Sonia,

You have started to read on your own. Congrats and welcome to the world of books! You've always loved them, but the real adventures are just beginning!

You are also doing great with your writing. You were working hard recently at your little craft table and you'd only asked your mom how to spell rainbow. Then you came over and handed your mom a sheet that said:

Sonia's Rainbow
I love Mommy
Mommy loves Sonia and Sage

You had an apostrophe in the right place in the first line. So your mom said, "Is that an apostrophe?" and you said, "What's an apostrophe?" And your mom said, "That dot right there before the "s" after your name. What is that?" And you said, "You know. I need that because I own the rainbow."

That's fantastic, Sonia - and a little amazing. Perhaps we can be grammarians together!


Auntie K