Sunday, December 28, 2008

South Park had it all wrong...

Dear Sonia,

There's a show called South Park, which is a cartoon and a little offensive. On that show, years ago, there was a character called Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo. (Yeah, it was gross, and silly, but people loved it!)

Anyway, this year, we had the Christmas Pee! On Christmas morning, I went in to your room to take you from your mom and dad and give them a moment's peace. You and I went back into the other room and I laid down on the bed with you sitting on my belly. We were playing all nice and then you shivered. (This is usually the sign that you've peed!) And then, you felt warm! And I said "Sonia, did you pee? You feel all warm!" and then I felt something different, so I lifted you up and what did I see? The Christmas Pee, all over me! On my pajama bottoms, on my t-shirt, everywhere! All wet and warm!

So I got up and carried you into your parents holding you out from me and gave you back to your mom. I had to go borrow pajama bottoms from your Papa and a t-shirt too. (Your Nana is too short for me to borrow things from, usually.) I put your footie pajamas and my pajamas in the laundry right away.

And that is the story of the Christmas Pee that you and I shared on your very first Christmas morning. Let's NOT make it a tradition, okay?


Auntie K

Friday, December 19, 2008

Forcing people to look at photos of you!

Dear Sonia,

When you grow up and are reading this, you will get a kick out of how much we force people to look at pictures of you. And I'm not even your mother. Sometimes I feel dorky saying, "Look at this photo of my niece!" but then I get over it because I want to show people!

I called my entire staff into my computer the day your mom sent the photos of you with pigtails. I scrolled through the slideshow and said, "LOOK!" and "Isn't she cute!" at the top of my lungs. They work for me, so they humor me. And you are cute, so it's not like they have to lie to say it!

Apparently, your Nana has spent way too much money for Christmas for you, and although I've stayed in a reasonable amount of money, I keep finding other things to buy you and then I do! You already have everything a little baby would ever need, but you are the only one right now, so you get EVERYTHING! Wait till your Auntie K and Uncle S start having babies. Then you'll just be the oldest and nobody'll care any more about you than any other kid. (Course, you aren't the oldest on the other side, so there you go...I was the oldest on both sides, which was weird. You'll get to play two roles, which is nice!)

You arrive next Tuesday, and as promised, there'll be snow waiting for you. We are getting 8-12 inches today and tomorrow and another 6 on Sunday. It should be nice and clear for your arrival on Tuesday morning and then it might rain on Wednesday, which could wash it all away. So I'm glad you'll get here in time to see it all!

I love you, girly. See you soon!

Auntie K

Monday, December 8, 2008

17 degrees

Dear Sonia,

Today in Houston, it is 75 degrees. Here in Boston, where you are not, it is 17 degrees. Aren't you glad you live in Houston today?


Auntie K.