Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of Bumblebee Class

Dear Sonia,

Yesterday was your first day of school this year. You are in the Bumblebee Class this year. Look!

You have a very cute bag to take to school with you. It looks like you could ride in it, it's so big!

You did great this year. No tears, no worries. Just dropped off, a hug from Mom and Dad, and off you went.

I'm sure you'll have a fantastic year in the Bumblebee Class!


Auntie K

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Best Roommates

Dear Sonia,

You and I were roommates for 5 nights this past week while you and your family were visiting Nana and Papa's house in Massachusetts. It was decided that we were the best roommate pair in the house. We are both just normal sleeper-people while Mommy and Daddy got Sage, who has been having trouble sleeping well, and Nana gets Papa, who snores and yells in his sleep sometimes. Other than you having an occasional bad dream and whimpering or asking for Mommy in your sleep (which was quickly silenced with a "Shhhh. Go back to sleep." from me), we were happy, quiet roommates.

Until about 7:20 a.m. each day. Which is when your little voice said "Auntie Karen, I'm ready to get up now," to wake me up. I would reach over and check my phone and sure enough, it was between 7:20 and 7:30 - my little Sonia alarm clock.

This morning, I knew you were awake when I woke up having to pee - I could tell from how you were moving and breathing. I checked the phone and it was only about 6:30. I got up and you looked up at me in the dim morning light. I told you I was going to the bathroom and I'd be back. You nodded. When I got back, I asked you if you were ready to get up and you said No. I asked if you were going to snuggle for a while and you said Yes. So I got back in bed. A few minutes later, I invited you to join me in my bed, but you turned me down. So I asked if I could get in bed with you, and you said Yes and moved over to make room for me.

You and I spent close to an hour in bed together. We talked and snuggled and faced each other on the pillow with our noses touching and our eyes too close together to see each other properly. I tickled you a little, and at one point, you turned over and put your head on my shoulder and burrowed into my armpit to get a closer snuggle. You held my hand and squeezed my index finger with both your hands, telling me I would never get free.

We talked about names and families and how some ladies change their names when they get married. We talked about how your Bear (who is named Elvin and the other Bear named Lily was left in Houston. Lily is 4 and Elvin is 10, but they are twins because they look the same.) is too young to get married. I asked you if I had a husband and you said no. You asked if I was too young. I told you nope, I was plenty old enough, but I just hadn't found the right person. You noted that Elvin hadn't found a husband either. And we talked about what might happen to your name IF you got married.

Two days ago, you woke with your regular precision, and was swept off by your mother to get ready for the day. I stayed in bed reading for a while. About 40 minutes after you'd gotten up, at 8am, you started down the stairs with Nana. As you looked into our room and saw me still in bed you said "I don't know what her problem is. Is she going to stay in bed all day?" This, of course, was hilarious. I said back without missing a beat, "Dude, it's not even 8 o'clock yet!" We told everyone this story for the rest of the week, since nobody has any idea where you learned that phrase.

So this morning, during our snuggle, we talked about staying in bed all day. I told you I'd done that before and you got the most amazed look on your face. Your mouth was a round O and your eyes got as big as saucers. "Why?" you asked. I explained that sometimes when you are sick you stay in bed and sometimes you do it just because you feel like it. You said you were going to do it and I told you you couldn't, lest your Mommy have an inane fight on her hands someday soon. I explained that your Mommy wouldn't let you and that you'd get bored. You seemed to buy that. (Call me when you are in college and spending all day in bed for the first time - it's glorious!) Anyway, finally, I tried to sing Lazy Song by Bruno Mars and couldn't, since I can't carry a tune, so we got out of bed to listen to it on YouTube, which led to the discovery that it is the weirdest video ever. (See it here)

I truly loved being your roommate, Sonia-ita. I told you we'd be roommates again at Christmas. And Santa came up. The assumption in the family is that you are not going to be thrilled about Santa coming into the house while you are sleeping given your reaction to the Easter Bunny. (See this) You asked if I'd be in "that bed" the night Santa came and I told you yes. And you clarified that we would not see Santa. I told you nope. Nobody gets to see him. He's magic that he can bring all the kids their presents in only one night. You seemed fine with that. Glad I can be your roommate and your sentinel all rolled into one.

It's quite an honor.

Love you so much,

Auntie K

Monday, August 1, 2011

Counting Your Swings

Dear Sonia,

Hey girlfriend. Here's a cute video of you counting while you swing next to your sister.


Auntie K

Friday, July 1, 2011

Red Marker Madness

Dear 'ita,

It's your slacker Auntie K, who has been remiss and hasn't posted in a while. I started a new job four weeks ago, so I've been busy.

During this time, you finished your first year of pre-school and you began your first stint at summer camps. You went to brain camp! You actually have some more of it to go. Apparently, you do activities to make you even more cognitively smarter than you already are. Very cool. Also, somehow this involves a lot of legos, we aren't sure why.

You are also going to piano lessons. After the first day, when you cried a lot, you've been liking it. I asked you why you cried, and you said, with complete conviction "Because the other kids were!" I hope you aren't around a bunch of kids jumping off a bridge anytime soon. (Sorry, that was snarky!)

Then there was the red marker incident. Mommy went upstairs for only 10 minutes to put your sister to bed. She left you downstairs hanging out with yourself. (Silly Mommy, right?) When she came back, you had colored all over your face with a red marker. All over it. Now, this really isn't that bad, because of course you only have access to water-based markers that come right off with some soap and a scrub, but you didn't know that. So Mommy asked you what you had done, and you simply said "Wrote on my face with marker." (You are so honest and so matter-of-fact, girly.) So Mommy said it might not come off, and you looked worried for about a second and a half and then you said "No, Mommy, we can use alcohol and it will come right off." When I asked your mom about this, she said that she uses rubbing alcohol to take off the marker labels on the baby food jars, and you know that. Clever. Really, though, soap and water later, you were all set.

You are helpful with making sure your newly-mobile sister doesn't fall off something. "Careful, Sage! You'll fall off the bed!" you said, as you held her back. Such a nice girl.

I hope you have a great 4th of July and enjoy the parade. You are coming to Boston next month and I can't wait to see you.

Love you,

Auntie K

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sisters are the best!

Dear Sonia,

Sisters are the best. Check these two out!


Auntie K

Friday, May 13, 2011

John Hancock

Hey Sonester,

I was just looking back through some of your posts, and figured I'd give the people who frequent this blog, and the future you (as some day you'll read this too) an update on you writing your esses and your name.

Check this out:

You wrote this on April 23. Four days after your third birthday. I was pretty impressed. Good job!


Auntie K

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You Can Get Lost Now

Dear Sonia,

Today, you and Mommy were at the zoo and were discussing how many people there were and how crazy it was. So Mommy decided it was time to teach you her phone number. At three years old.

And so, young miss, you now know it. If you ever get lost, you can go up to someone, and tell them you are lost and then begin singing for them, to the tune of Frere Jacques:

Mommy's Phone Number, Mommy's Phone Number, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXXX, XXXX

You performed it twice for me over the phone on speaker. The first time I had no idea what you were saying, so hopefully if you ever get lost, you don't have to talk into a speaker to get help. Then, once I knew the story, I could understand you clear as day.

Your Mommy is smart. Wicked smart. Almost as smart as you.


Auntie K

Lock the Doors, The Bunny is Coming!

Dear Sonia,

Last weekend was your sister's feeding ceremony (her anaprasana) and we all came to town for it. I surprised you all. Nobody knew I was coming until you arrived back home and found me sitting on the swing in the yard. That was great fun! It was also Easter weekend. You'd had quite the week - egg hunts and goodies and such. Finally, the night before Easter arrived. Mommy got your easter basket (and Sage's) and showed it to you and told you that you would leave it out and the bunny would bring treats.

You were okay for a minute. Sure, you must have thought. That's what happened with Santa, too. But then you asked if he'd come while you were sleeping. We all assured you, that yes, that's when he'd come. You waited a couple of beats and then asked if he'd come in the house. Well, yes, we said. But not in your room, someone assured you.

Finally, you looked at your Mommy and said that the baskets could be outside and the Bunny would bring things there. And we'd lock the doors and he couldn't come in. Mommy readily agreed that this was a good plan. You got up to put the baskets out right away, lest anyone forget. On your way by your papa, you said "We're going to lock all the doors, Papa." As if this was something new - that usually, you all go to bed with a wide open house.

People were asking your mommy questions like "Was this a problem with S-A-N-T-A?" and your mom was guessing things like, "I wonder if someone told her it is a H-U-G-E bunny." You weren't even remotely listening to all the spelling going on, since you were so fixated on the baskets being outside.

Your mommy let you know that the baskets would be inside when you got up in the morning, since she had to bring Nana and Papa and Uncle S to the airport early and she would bring them in. You were okay with that.

It was pretty freaking hilarious, I have to say. And logical as hell. I remember when I was little, wondering how the heck the Bunny got in the house. If Santa comes down the chimney...? I seriously think I decided that the Bunny was magical enough to pass through walls. And why didn't that scare me into insisting that our baskets go outside? Your guess is as good as mine. No idea. You are perhaps way smarter than we all think.

Anyway, the Bunny was super good to you and Sage. You got a bunch of hair bows and tattoos and stick on sparkle earrings and a puzzle. Very little candy - the Bunny must be familiar with your parents.

Hopefully by next Christmas, you'll be okay with Santa sneaking in for a minute to leave you some stuff. I have no idea what happens if Santa leaves the gifts outside - even in pretty-warm Houston, TX!


Auntie K

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Dear Sonia-ita!

Happy happy happy third birthday, my dear little niece!

Things you should know about your third birthday:

- You had a butterfly shaped birthday cake in your backyard while you and your cousins and your friend Taj went swimming.
- Your Nana and Papa were in Houston with you on your big day!
- Every time I asked you what day it was - you said TUESDAY! And then after being prompted, said "MY BIRTHDAY!"
- You brought cupcakes to school to share with the other kids.
- Your daddy drove you to school and you called me on your way and I sang Happy Birthday to you.
- When Mommy and Daddy came up in the morning to bring you your gifts, you said "I can't stop smiling smiling smiling!"
- When you went down to get your more presents from Nana and Papa, you reported to them that upstairs, you "couldn't stop smiling, smiling, smiling!"

I'm very sure there are way more things to report about your third birthday, but as of right now, this is what I know. I'm so glad you love your birthday. I love mine too. It's a pretty cool thing to have a day just for you.

I love you very very much, 'ita!


Auntie K

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Dear Sonia,

You are so beautiful.

Almost 3!


Auntie K

Friday, April 1, 2011

Goodbye Rudy

Dear Sonia,

I just want to commemorate Rudy's trip to the no more boo boo place yesterday. You said a very nice goodbye to him, and you chose to read a book at school about animals and had some tears about it. You are doing okay, mostly, with the departure of your best buddy.

Your mommy is very sad about this. Partly because she liked Rudy and had him for 14 years, but partly because he was your best buddy and you'll miss him. Last night you said your regular prayers. And then at the end you added:

"And please God, take care of Rudy in the no more boo boo place."

Such a sweet girl. Made Mommy have to flee the room since she was crying so much at that point.

Rudy had a great life. He got to live on the mean streets of Los Angeles and then got adopted by your Mommy and me. He had a great brother named Noah and then a fantastic life as an only kitty. He got to live in Houston after LA and then in Massachusetts and and then in New Jersey before he moved back to Houston. Quite the travelled kitty! He got to keep his claws and grow fat with satisfaction. He got to have an attitude and punish your mommy by peeing in her laundry and on her head once and then in a last hurrah, on her lap the day he went on to the no more boo boo place. He got to demand to be petted and then demand that your mommy go to bed with him when he wanted to go to bed - and she did it! And best of all, he got to have you as his best buddy! All in all, Rudy had a pretty rockin' 14 years. And I've heard the no more boo boo place is pretty great too.

We'll all miss Rudy, Sonia.


Auntie K

Monday, March 28, 2011

S-U-N's Fruity Snack Heist

Dear Sonia,

You are really doing awesome learning your letters. Anything put in front of you, you spell out. "Look, Mommy. M-I-L-K." Very smart, darling. You will not be 3 for another 23 days!

You have a new sticker chart to help you do better with your demanding behavior. You are doing pretty well, actually. Last week - Mommy closed the shower door so you could splash around in the bath and then when you said you were done splashing, she opened the door. Normally, this might have elicited a fit of you screaming about wanting to do it yourself which might dissolve into a crying jag. But this time, you looked at your mom and said "Excuse me, Mommy, but I wanted to do that myself." So Mom closed the door again and you opened it and all was well. You got TWO stickers for that awesomeness.

Anyway, you needed to put a sticker on your chart yesterday for some other awesome thing, so you said "What day is it, Mommy?" And she told you it was Sunday. "Look for S-U-N" she said. And you did. And then you put your sticker in the box. Not only can you recognize your letters and use them for things, you are also learning the days of the week! Nice one.

That same morning, you were all trying to get out of the house for something. Your mom had to go upstairs for a minute for something, so she asked you to sit next to Sage and give her toys and play with her. Then she went upstairs. She came right back down, more or less, because she decided leaving the two of you alone might not be such a great idea. And there you were, coming out of the pantry closet with one hand behind your back.

"What are you doing, Sonia?" Mommy asked.

"Nothing," you said.

"What is behind your back?" Mommy asked.

"Nothing," you said.

"Nothing? Something is in your hand. What is it?" Mommy asked.

"I don't know," you tried.

"You don't know what is in your hand? Really?" Mommy asked. I can't remember if she implored you to tell the truth at this point or if you just cracked. But crack you did.

"Fruity snacks," you said, showing them to Mommy.

"What are you doing with them?" Mommy asked.

"I was going to sit at my little table and eat them," you claimed. Um, really? Right where Mommy could see you when she came back down?

Your mom confiscated the snacks and almost put them in her bag to give them to you later before coming to her senses, telling you to put them back where they belong and taking away your fruity snack privileges for the rest of the day. She made sure to tell you why.

"You get no fruity snacks today because you were sneaky and you lied about it," she said. Good mommy, doling out relevant punishments and explaining them. Good for development.

Course, you had a fit. Crying like someone told you you couldn't have fruity snacks for the rest of your life instead of a day. Yeah, girly. Sucks when you get caught. But usually, not doing stuff you know you shouldn't do works better than trying not to get caught. That just turns into a wicked web.

So, while it is awesome that you can probably read F-R-U-I-T-Y right on the box and not accidentally sneak a pack of oatmeal or something, you should stick to waiting till it's snack time. Sound good?


Auntie K

Friday, March 18, 2011

Your News Debut!

Dear Sonia,

Look! You were in the local paper!

Almost famous at 2 years old!


Auntie K

Monday, March 14, 2011

Esses are hard

Dear Sonia,

Yesterday, you were having a frustration fit over the fact that you cannot successfully make an S. Mommy suggested you switch over and do something you are very good at to feel better for a while. You were having none of that. You were making an S or you were being a cranky-pants, those were the only options. Mommy was not too thrilled with this.

Just so you know, making an S is something that many 4-year-olds (and older) struggle with. I am very very sorry your name begins with an S. I blame your S-crazed parents. I wish it began with an I or an O. That would be much better. If you feel any better, my name, which, of course, begins with a K, was also difficult. That silly bottom leg is a doozy. Getting it to grow from the same spot as the top leg instead of growing out OF the top leg is just really hard. So I feel you. I do.

Your esses will come. Be patient, my Sonia-ita. This is a lesson, that if learned early, will save you a lot of stress. I fear you will not learn it - as I didn't - for a long time. Patience is a virtue. One most of your family members don't have. Join the club, friend!



Thursday, March 3, 2011

Daddy and School Hair

Dear Sonia,

Today was the first day ever that Daddy got you ready for school all by himself without Mommy there to help. He was so proud, he sent an email with a photo of you to prove he didn't send you off looking crazy with your hair all a mess. You look just fine! Nice job, Daddy!

Love Auntie K

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The No Boo Boo Place

Dear Sonia,

Your mommy emailed me today. You were having a conversation with her about your buddy, Rudy the cat. Rudy's getting up there in age. Your mom and I disagree with how old we think he is (we adopted him in 1998 and I think he was about a year old at that point but your mom remembers something else). In any case, he's about 14 this year. Getting old. He's never been a fan of anyone but your mom until you came along. And he looooooves you. And you loooooove him.

So this is what you guys said:

Mom: Rudy is getting so old (with a little sad face).
Sonia: Do you think Rudy will miss me when he goes to the no more boo boo place?
Mom: Yes, I think he will.
Sonia: I will miss him. I wish he could stay with us for a really long time.

Now, after I stop crying and wipe the tears off my cheeks because of how awesome this is, let me tell you what I think of this.

1. Your mom has apparently done a wonderful job teaching you about how Rudy will die at some point to prepare you. Good job, Mommy!

2. You have a nice little non-denominational view of the afterlife. That's nice.

3. Your mom thinks this is sad. It is. But Rudy is a cat, and there will be other pets in your life. And pet death is good practice for other deaths. (So says your very practical Auntie who has not lost anyone very important ever and that worries her.)

4. Sonia, my sweet, you first asked about how RUDY will feel. Not about how YOU will feel. YOUR feelings were secondary to Rudy's. How sweet is that?

Anyway, Rudy is your buddy and he loves you very very much. He will definitely miss you when he's gone. And you'll miss him. But you can always remember him as your first pet. Your first love.


Auntie K

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Will see you tomorrow!

Dear Sonia,

I'm coming to your house tomorrow! I can't wait! I want to go on a bike ride with you (well, okay, you'll ride and I'll walk, but same thing and practice for later when we can actually ride together!). I want to play and read and eat and have fun with you.

Cannot wait to see you, 'ita!


Auntie K