Monday, March 14, 2011

Esses are hard

Dear Sonia,

Yesterday, you were having a frustration fit over the fact that you cannot successfully make an S. Mommy suggested you switch over and do something you are very good at to feel better for a while. You were having none of that. You were making an S or you were being a cranky-pants, those were the only options. Mommy was not too thrilled with this.

Just so you know, making an S is something that many 4-year-olds (and older) struggle with. I am very very sorry your name begins with an S. I blame your S-crazed parents. I wish it began with an I or an O. That would be much better. If you feel any better, my name, which, of course, begins with a K, was also difficult. That silly bottom leg is a doozy. Getting it to grow from the same spot as the top leg instead of growing out OF the top leg is just really hard. So I feel you. I do.

Your esses will come. Be patient, my Sonia-ita. This is a lesson, that if learned early, will save you a lot of stress. I fear you will not learn it - as I didn't - for a long time. Patience is a virtue. One most of your family members don't have. Join the club, friend!



1 comment:

Cheryl Boss said...

It would be nice to have ONE family member, some day, have patience. maybe it will be the "Chilled" Sage.