Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Punch Drunk & Other Christmas Stories

Dear Sonia,

Someone gave you a couple of bites of cookie on Christmas or the day after (they all blended together after a while) and you were running like a crazy-person. You would run across the room, then back into a wall with your hands out and then crack up laughing. I told you you were "punch drunk" and you repeated it. So cute! I told you to go tell Mommy that you were punch drunk. You ran over to her a million miles an hour and announced "Punch Drunk!" She couldn't understand you and asked you to say it again. You did, laughing the whole time. Finally I told Mommy what you were saying and she cracked up too as you ran away back over to me. I don't quite get why you understood the joke at only 20 months old, but you sure seemed to. Here's a cute picture from an email your Mom sent me that is a little girl who seems to be a little punch drunk!

You understand things like "this" versus "that". When we ask you where Nana/Papa and Auntie Karen live, you say "Massachusetts!" clear as day. When we ask you where you live, you say "Houston, Texas" in the cutest little way. You know what the baby of tons of animals are called. "What is a baby goat, Sonia?" "Kid!" You run and climb and jump and you almost got killed on a slide with me! Your mom was going to the bathroom and you went right over to this slide and started to climb, and since I'd seen you on the big slide over Tgiving, I figured you knew what you were doing. I followed you up and realized it was a crazy slide where the person sliding is meant to straddle the plastic thing instead of sit on or in it. So I straddled it with you on my lap. Half way down, your leg got caught under mine and you started to scream. You had two big bruise/scrapes but no broken leg, which was a huge blessing. Your Mommy would've been very mad at Auntie Karen if she'd broken a part of you.

We went to the zoo and you saw a pelican, which I had taught you a couple days earlier. There was one in your new book, and I told you that pelicans scoop fish from the water with their big beaks. Each time I asked you about the pelican, you made a little scoop with your hand and said "scoop!" and then "pelican!" Once I asked you in reverse with the book not even out "Sonia, what kind of bird scoops up fish?" and you said "pelican!" Very smart.

You fell in love with that book that you got on Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning, sitting in my lap opening a million presents, you kept saying book, book, book and we had to bribe you to open a gift by promising we'd read some of the book. Very nice, my literary niece.

You are doing pee pee on the potty pretty regularly, which is pretty great. For some reason, you've suddenly become a little obsessed with poop. After your nap, I asked how your nap was and you reported "Poop!" because you'd done one while sleeping. That was the report every time after that, whether you'd done a poop or not.

On Christmas, I snuck off to have a little nap upstairs. Soon, a knock came at the door and it was your Nana, showing you where I was. You were apparently wanting to know where Auntie Karen went. They told you I was taking a nap, but this was not enough. Then you left. Shortly afterwards, you came back with your mom and the same book and were deposited with me to read and hang out. You were asking for me so much that finally Mom just gave up and brought you to me.

When I left, I gave you a hug and a kiss and a nose kiss and told you that I was going on the airplane back to Massachusetts. The next morning, you got up and reported to everyone "Auntie Karen Massachusetts". Not only smart, but emotionally mature. No reason to get all upset. I went home, and you'll see me again soon.

Girly, I have to tell you, I love you very much. Every time I call you Sonia-ita, you giggle. When we ask you who Nana loves, instead of answering "Sonia" as expected, you say "Papa". You came up with that all on your own. You obey commands so well and even when you don't want to do what Mommy is asking you to, you usually respond pretty quickly when she repeats the request or uses a stronger tone with you. I was putting your coat on at one point and you were annoyed with how I was pulling the arm - you made a noise and squirmed, trying to get away. I only had to say "I know it's frustrating. Just hold on a minute and Auntie Karen will fix it" and you stopped for me. Very reasonable.

Thank you for hosting me for Christmas. Thank you for singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer with me - you can fill in words as we go along - pretty great. Thank you for climbing into my lap repeatedly. Thank you for coming to me whenever I put my arms down to pick you up. Thanks for cooking with Nana and Mommy and I - you are already a great stirrer!

I'm not sure when I'll see you again, maybe not until April for your birthday. I can't imagine how much you'll've changed by then. At this point, you are growing and changing literally every day.

Love you so much, 'Ita!

Auntie K

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Adorable & Hilarious

Dear Sonia,

You are still on the airplane on your way home from Nana and Papa's house, where you just spent a week for Thanksgiving. I got to spend a lot of time with you.

I got you this amazing table that is shaped like a ladybug that someone donated to Lowell Wish but they couldn't deal with it that day so I got it for you! Your little face was so cute when you saw it! You climbed right up and demanded that your mommy draw and elephant for you to color in. Your mommy and I had quite the fun time trying to draw the animals you demanded. (My cow was declared to look like a crazy ostrich - I begged to differ, but to no avail. Your mom's cows look like pigs, but you claim they are cows, so I guess that means she wins.)

You build stuff with blocks, you ask for Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss by name, you like Make Way For Ducklings if the reader boils it down for you - too many words!n When you get up from a nap or in the morning, your mommy asks you what you dreamed about, and most of the time the answer is "puppies." When she asks you what puppy, you usually name one. This morning it was "Morton." On Thanksgiving, you said "Olive" (the Foyes' dog). Cute!

You repeat EVERYTHING. You said "awesome!" right after me a lot. You learned to answer "Texas" when someone asked where you live. You love "bread and butter" which is really a tortilla with almond butter folded inside. You use a fork and spoon like a pro. You know everyone's name and can say them "Auntie Karen" "Uncle Stephen" "Nana" "Papa" "Auntie Barbara" "Morton" "Auntie Kim" (Morton is a dog, by the way!).

You love the library. You can be asked to stand in the middle of the rug and can do it. You know how to match animals to the tracks they make. You know your colors and your shapes. You can say "Massachusetts". You behave very well. Your mommy told you to be patient, and then asked "What does patient mean?" And you said "waiting quietly." SERIOUSLY. You said that. At 19 months old. It's pretty phenomenal.

My favorite, though, is this exchange. We got you to answer "Sonia" when we asked "Who is adorable?" Then, suddenly, you began adding, after saying "Sonia" - "hilarious!" You wanted to make sure we knew that you are both adorable and hilarious. Very important to know. I'm sorry, but that is the cutest thing ever in the world to come out of the mouth of a very small child.

When someone stops talking to you or asking questions, you often say "More talking!" You even say full sentences "Mommmy making it" or "Auntie Karen do it." Also pretty phenomenal.

In short, you are a genius. :) Hee hee. We will make sure you keep hydrated so none of that brilliance shrivels up and dies - we all know what happens to the Bosses when they aren't properly hydrated!

Thank you for being such a loving little kid. You are a pleasure to be around. You kiss people good night and give "neck hugs" that are just the sweetest thing ever. You aren't even remotely annoying, which is such a treat for a curmudgeonly old auntie like me.

I get to see you again in only 24 more days! Yay. This time at your house! I told you that this morning. I said "I'm going to see you very soon again, at your house! Does that sound good?" And after thinking about what you'd heard for a moment, you nodded yes. And smiled. And kissed me and gave me a neck hug. That'll keep me going for 24 more days.

Love you!

Auntie K

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Dear Sonia,

I am on my way home from Turkey right now. I'm in the airport in London for a long time!

I have two presents for you from Turkey. You will get them when you come to Boston for Thanksgiving!

I thought about you a lot on this trip - and talked about you too - my yegen (niece in Turkish). I can't wait to take you on a trip!

Hope your last two weeks have been great. I'll Skype you this week sometime.

Love you,

Auntie K

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How Was Your Day?

Dear Sonia,

It's quite a milestone, my little niece. You can tell Mommy and Daddy all about what you did during the day. It's so good and accurate that they even wonder if it could possibly be right - and then they check the Nanny-Log to see if you are correct, and you are!

Yesterday, you reported that you'd been to story-time.

Mom: "What did you do today?"
You: "Miss Missy."
Mom: "You went to story time at the library?"
You: Nod with "Mmmm" (you refuse to say yes for some reason)

Then you reported what the book was about.

Mom: "What was the story about?"
You: "Pumpkins."
Mom: "The story was about pumpkins? Cool!"
You: Nod with "Mmmmm"

A check of the Nanny-Log shows the book was titled something about scarecrows, so we are assuming there were pumpkins involved in the field.

Then you said you went to the park. This is where the doubt crept in, since it poured rain all day where Mommy works.

Mom: "Then what did you do?"
You: "Park."
Mom: "You went to the park? What did you do there?"
You: "Swing."
Dad: "She told me the same thing. I have no idea why. It rained all day."
Mom: "Maybe it didn't rain here. Sonia, you really went to the park?"
You: "Park. Swing." Thinking: What is wrong with these people?

Another check of the Nanny-Log shows that you did indeed go to the park and go on the swings. So there you go. You know what you're talking about.

You are 18 months old next Monday. Quite the little reporter. Very smart. I love it! Mommy says you are hilarious every day. She's interested to see how much you've grown when you go for your 18-month doctor visit. She thinks you're taller, but we aren't so sure about fatter. She keeps trying to sneak fat into your diet. But you just like the skinny-making foods.

Each day, Mommy asks you what you want for breakfast. Sometimes you say "Oatmeal" which Mommy only thinks you want because you get to get the packets out of the cupboard yourself. Sometimes you say "Waffle". Sometimes you say "Pancake." One day this week, you said "Turkey. Mustard." You had had that for dinner the night before and loved dipping the turkey pieces in the mustard, apparently. Mommy told you no way, Jose, no turkey and mustard for breakfast. Personally, I would've given it to you - who cares what you eat when? But, you quickly had Plan B all set in your head, because when Mommy said "No, you are not have turkey and mustard for breakfast," you said "Oatmeal." Nice try though. Try that with apple pie in high school. Nana let me do it!

Okay, chickie. Gotta go. I have to work. I'm headed for Turkey myself (although without the mustard) on Friday. Yay for travelling vacations for Auntie K!

Love you,

Auntie K

Friday, September 25, 2009


Dear Sonia,

I'm really glad you love books so much. Me too. I think this will be something we can keep sharing for a long long time.

Love you,

Auntie K

Friday, September 4, 2009


Dear Sonia,

You love your mama. You make it very known. You hate it when she leaves a room. You hate it when she doesn't come back. You cry "mamamammamama" the whole time she's gone. There's very little that will distract you.

Luckily, you are only tiny, so you forget to be mad and laugh if something's funny, which is great. But then you remember, and cry "mamamamammamaam" with renewed insistence. You do not care who has you while this is going on: me, Papa, Nana, even, sometimes, your Dad. Jeez. :)

This is entirely normal behavior for a 16-month-old and it is even more normal for one who flies for-seemingly-ever on a plane, lands in a strange place, sleeps in a strange crib, then drives to Boston, sleeps the next night in a strange port-a-crib-pack-and-play thing and then drives back and sleeps again in the first crib and then the next night, Daddy materializes from nowhere. All this while during the day, you are subjected to saying hello and goodbye to a never-ending stream of rather large and rather loud strangers who keep telling you they love you and screaming your name over and over. I'd cry "mammamammamama" too if I was you.

The visit was lovely. I am awaiting photos from your mom of you and I swinging together on the big kid swing. You are laying on me, relaxed as can be, really enjoying your swing. It was the sweetest moment of my life to date. And here that is in writing.

You are smart as a whip, talking up a storm, running all over the place, and smacking your face on tables and bleeding! A lot for a little girl. And I get to see you again in only one more week in Buffalo. What a treat.

Love you, chickie, Chomp! Bluuuuuue-berrriess!

Auntie K

Monday, August 31, 2009



There's lots more to tell you about your visit to Massachusetts, but I'll get to that later. For now, let me just say, blue-berrrrrries! :)

Love you,

Auntie K

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Making a list, checking it twice....

Dear Sonia,

I have had a very busy week at work. Your mom and I have barely talked. But she called this morning to tell me that you had had a big long talk about going to the zoo and what you would see there. You know LOTS of animal noises and signs.

Then, she strapped you into the car and away you went, on your merry way to the zoo.

And she hears you in the back seat. So she looks. And you are doing the sign for an animal, making the noise, then moving on to the next one. You're going through all the animals in your head and listing them and then doing the sign and making the noise for yourself without prompting!

This is either super super cute or a little scary. There are lots of list makers in our family. Your Auntie K, the very author of this blog, makes lists and truly relishes in the happiness of crossing things off one by one. Your mommy is also a list maker. Sometimes, we make lists and then worry about what's on them. So I hope you've inherited some of the organization of that, but not the worrying part!

In any case, I'm sure you didn't miss any important animals at the zoo, since you made a list and checked it twice. Once with Mommy and once on your own! Smart girl!

Love you (and see you next Wednesday!),

Auntie K

Saturday, August 8, 2009

These Boots are Made for Walking....Backwards

Dear Sonia,

You have been able to walk backwards for a while now, but recently, you became aware of it. Now, you walk backwards on purpose and then you have a little private laugh about it. It cracks up your mom.

I absolutely LOVE to hear these little stories from your mommy. And then I write them down here. :) So now you know, that in August of 2009, when you were about 16 months old, you did circus tricks for your own self, not even caring if anyone else noticed. Sweetie head!

Love you,

Auntie K

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Dear Sonia,

You apparently have lizards at your house. And a green one lives in the bush by your back door. And he ran out and stopped the other day, right when you were sitting in front of the door. But you, you were busy looking at the birds and didn't notice Mr. Green Jeans. So your mommy pointed him out to you. But to do that, she tapped on the door. Well, my little niece, the combination of the tapping and the lizard running like the dickens scared the poop out of you! You started crying and freaking out and climbing into Mommy's lap.

Now here's a little secret. Your mommy has always gotten pleasure from other people's pain. She LOVED America's Funniest Home Videos when it first came out when we were kids because there were lots of videos of people falling down or getting scared. She used to laugh when someone got hurt in a funny way. So, there she is, hugging you and telling you it's okay, that the lizard isn't going to get you, trying not to laugh herself silly.

Then, you had to go out that very door to get outside and on top of it, you had to carry the bowls you and mommy needed for finger painting. But you weren't really looking forward to going past the bush, which you still weren't clear about. Did the bush move? Was there some leaping leaf that was going to get you? What was that thing that moved?

So, there you are, one hand full of bowls, the other hand holding Mommy's hand so she can help you over the threshold, and you are looking at the bush the whole time saying "No, no, no" to it. (This little trick, taught to you when you were only about 8 months old and couldn't even say No yet, is to help you self-soothe when something scares you. It was originated by Simba's barking scaring you. Now you use it with everything. Noisy trucks, scary things, bushes....)

While your mom was telling me this story, she was laughing so hard she could hardly even get the words out. See, this is how we continue to love you so much even when you are making us crazy. We have comic relief from the fact that you, little child, are scared to death of a bush.

Hope you actually see the lizard soon. They are cool!

Love you,

Auntie K

Friday, July 24, 2009


Hey Sonia,

I had this chair when I was little (and your mom did too). I dug it out of your Nana and Papa's cellar a few weeks back. I polished it up and re-upholstered it for you. I even bought foam for the seat and made it comfy again (you should've seen the icky piece of foam that came out of it!)

Of course, you have it, but I thought I'd immortalize it on your blog for you. Here it is:

Love you,

Auntie Karen

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another Song For Sonia

Dear Sonia,

Last night, I went to a concert in Lowell (right near Nana and Papa's house!) and saw Michael Franti & Spearhead. They have been a favorite of mine for about a year now, but I've not seen them live yet. It was the best concert I ever saw. Their music is awesome! There were lots of kids there, too, because the music is for everyone! (Someday I'll take you to a show, okay?)

Anyway, while he was singing this song, I kept thinking it was a perfect song to give you. So, girly, climb into Mommy's lap (up, up, up, la, la, la) and give a listen to this one!


Auntie K

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Dear Sonia,

The other day, you got to go to a swank hotel in Houston and hang out at the pool. You had fun, your mom said, but then the photos came! What happened here?

But then you were fine! Look at you go!

And of course, then you put on a whole show for everyone afterwards, as evidenced here. By the way, in this photo, you look A LOT like your Auntie Karen and your mom when we were small.

Glad you had a good day of swankness, sweetness.


Auntie K

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Separation Adventures

Dear Sonia,

Hello my little independent niece! This week, you are on your own for the first time in your young life! You told mom and dad it was time they went on a real trip and left you behind, and good on them, they took you up on your offer!

You are relaxing for the week at Chez Chilu, with your grandparents. Tiffany is still coming though, so that'll be good for you - not too much change!

Now, don't tell Mommy I told you, but she wasn't so sure about this whole leaving you for a whole week thing. She knows you said you'd be fine and that you were all about hanging with the grandparents, but she wondered about all this newly found independence. Wouldn't you miss her? Would you be confused? But, she went anyway, trusting in you.

I think it's gonna be great. Mom and Dad are helping people in need in Greece and they are having a good time too. As much as they dig you, they need some alone time now and then to make sure they can keep being the kick-ass parents you deserve, together!

So, my little Sonia-ita, have a great week. Enjoy eating food that mom would never feed you because you convinced someone you could have it. Learn all kinds of tricks now, because there's more separation from Mom and Dad in your future; I suspect it'll be you doing the travelling sooner than later!

Love you!

Auntie K

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just Keep Swimming

Dear Sonia,

You are a little fish. You are in group swimming lessons with your playgroup in your very own pool in your yard! And of course, you love it! Mom takes you in almost every day, too. Apparently you demand it. You point to the pool and ask to go in. Yay! Only 9 more years until you can learn to scuba dive with Auntie K!

Love you,

Auntie K

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Up, Up, Up, La, La, La

Dear Sonia,

Your mom called the other day and said that when you see her sitting at the computer, you go over and say "Up, Up, Up, La, La, La". This means you want to sit on her lap and listen to the song I put on your blog for you.

She asks "Do you want to listen to Auntie K's song?" and you nod your head yes!

I love you, sweetie head.


Auntie K

Monday, May 18, 2009


Dear Sonia,

Our family has an interesting relationship with food. Hopefully you'll get your mom and dad's genes and not have to battle your way through a weight-loss life, but even if you do, you've got plenty of company (me included!).

Here's some foods you should never stop liking:

- bananas
- yogurt
- avocados (Although I'm not sure you like them now. Get on that.)
- brown bread (Forget the squishy white kind. Ick.)
- tofu (You dig it. Your Nana doesn't get it. Don't listen to her.)
- grapes (It's your candy. Keep it that way!)

Foods there's no need to ever eat (even though you probably will):

- Velveeta cheese
- french fries in mass quantities (remember I told you this in college)
- fried dough (one of your mom's favorites!)
- doughnuts (really. There's just no need.)

The less you cook something, the better it is! I mean this for veggies (steam 'em!) and red meat (your parents are well-done fans, so you and I will have to make a date with some medium rare meat so you get a real taste of beef!). Course, chicken and pork needs to be cooked enough (that pink middle doesn't work for them). Veggies and fruits are spectacular and nothing tastes better than a yogurt/milk/banana/frozen fruit of your choice smoothie made in the blender at home. YUM.

Most of all, food should be enjoyed and savored. A meal out should be special, but so should a meal cooked in. What spices you use matter (and you get to have more spice education than others because of your Indian half - pay attention!). Making a lovely meal for yourself at home at night is a great event. Not just because you have to eat, but because of how delicious it can be - and you made it!

Your mom is a baker. She loves it in a way I don't. Baking for me is a chore. But cooking, ah, there's nothing better.

We'll cook some great meals together. I'll teach you how to not measure. How to make a great meal out of whatever's in the fridge even if it doesn't look like it goes together. How to make an instant light sauce from a tiny bit of butter, some milk and a shake of flour. How to freeze just about anything to use later (I have two bags of bread remnants and a bag of bread crumbs in the freezer right now just begging to be turned into stuffing!).

Here's to food, 'arita! I can't wait to cook with you.

Auntie K

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey Sonster,

You Skyped the other night while you were having dinner. You had two pigtails and you looked super cute. You flirted with the computer screen (me!) and you played peek with me. It was pretty cool.

Your nanny likes to make you pretty and dress you all up, so you also had on the cutest little outfit. And you were spitting food all over it. :) Hee hee.

In other news, you have two teeth. Or, at least that's the story your mom is telling. I couldn't see them on the screen. But I believe her. I do! By the time I see you either this summer or in September, I'm sure there'll be more. Chewing must be easier now, huh? All that gumming bananas was getting old.

'kay, chica. I'm out. It's 10 in the morning and I'm meant to be working!


Auntie K

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Holy Apology

Dear Sonia,

I owe you an apology. While visiting you this past weekend, we did all kinds of cool stuff together. I slept in your room and was your pacifier concierge, giving you back your lost "pacey" when you woke up whining in the night and then telling you to go back to sleep (you obey so surprisingly well for a 12 month old, especially in this instance, considering you are almost completely asleep). We had a lot of meals together. We played peek-a-boo in the car. We danced. We had your birthday party.

Then we went to temple to get you blessed on your first birthday. My intention started innocently enough. I remembered after the first of three "stations" we were going to go through for the full blessing that I had my bag with me, which meant I had my little Ganesha with me. (He's the Hindu diety of overcoming obstacles and while I've had a little medallion with him on it since I visited Nepal nine years ago and a drawing of him hanging in my bathroom, I also purchased a small free-standing one in January while my life was seemingly falling apart to help me through.) I asked your dad if it would be okay to ask the priest to bless it while we were there. He did, involving your Nama in the ask so it would be completely understood.

Your Nama was very excited that I had a Hindu god in my purse. It was given to the priest for him to bless. And he did, giving it back to me, along with the flowers and other things that were used to bless him, and directions to put him in an auspicious place and begin to ask him for what I need the following Monday.

During this, your Nana was a little surprised that I had a Hindu god in my bag. I explained it to her. Then, I heard your Nama ask the priest to put into his prayer asks: a husband for me! So suddenly now, your Mom and Dad and I are giggling up a storm in the middle of a very serious blessing because your Nama has now asked the priest to help Auntie K get a husband!

So hence the apology, since I'm not entirely clear if any prayers even got said for you, little baby, your Nama was so pleased that your Auntie K was involved! Hee hee. Only kidding. I'm sure it was just in passing that the husband prayer was said. I mean, isn't health and prosperity on a first birthday just much more important than finding a husband? One would hope, right?

On the way home, I assured your Nana that I also carry a St. Christopher medal when I travel (he's the Catholic Patron Saint of Travellers). She asked why I didn't have a Saint Anthony instead of Ganesh. I asked what he was the Saint of, and she said "Lost Causes". That caused quite the laughing uproar in the car! But then she clarified a little, saying it was of lost things. Okay, well, I'd rather overcome an obstacle than be a lost cause. (For the record, I just looked up St. Anthony, and he's the Patron Saint of Lost Things and Missing Persons, so perhaps he's not such a bad idea after all, since clearly, my husband is a missing person!)

Anyway, chickadee, we had a fantab visit. You are walking! Which deserves its own post, and I promise I will, soon. I'm hoping I might get to see you this summer, but with you having a new house and a lot to do, I might not see you till I come to Houston again at Labor Day. Which isn't so bad. Perhaps you'll have some teeth by then!

Love you,

Auntie K

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Happy Birthday Sonia!

I can't believe it was one year ago today that you were born.

Glad you're here. We love you!


Auntie K

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Dear Sonia,

If I could have thought as hard as possible, for as long as I could about the cutest first word for a baby to have, I never would have come up with "home". And yet, here you are, again being the sweetest little child to ever grace the world. What a lovely first word, my niece.

I can't wait to get to your home in only 2 more weeks to finally see you (it's been a long 3 months) and to celebrate your first birthday! You are already 1! How did that happen? My goodness, time flies when you're a little baby learning so much.

I had to post this photo here, it was in the pile mom sent out from this past winter. You go, you little Sasha Fierce. Beyonce's got nothin' on you.


Auntie K

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Dear Sonia,

You don't have any teeth yet. This is still within the realm of normal. We're not worried.

But the nosy woman at the grocery store yesterday was. She told your mom that it wasn't normal and that something might be wrong with you and that you should go to the dentist. Your mom made sure this nosy woman understood that you have a nurse and a doctor for parents, and you are all safe and medically taken care of. This woman didn't really care about that. She continued to tell your mom why you should be exposed to radiation at only 11 months to figure out where your teeth are hiding. Some people just don't know when to quit. (Or that they shouldn't even start to begin with!)

We're sure your teeth will all pop out at once, and the sweet, wonderful girl we know will be a monster when they do. We're not really looking forward to that, but we sort of are. Your Great Uncle J, who is a dentist, says not to worry. They are in there somewhere and will come out in good time.

So that lady at the grocery store? She should take care of herself better, instead of worrying about other people's children, because your mom said she looked like a hillbilly! :)

See you soon,

Auntie K

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Dear Sonia,

What does a bear say?

According to you, a bear makes the cutest little growling noise ever!

Can't wait to see it instead of only hear it!

Love you,

Auntie K

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Missing You

Hey there girly,

You just got back from your first trip to the mountains. The real mountains - in Colorado. Vail, no less. La-ti-dah.

And Nana and Papa went with you. So cool!

It's been only 4 and a half weeks since I saw you last and I already miss you a lot. And I won't see you again until the middle of April! Two more months! After seeing you so much at the end of 2008, this is quite a surprise to my system. I wasn't anticipating missing you so much. But I do. I want to see you learn something new. I want to know every day what you did new. And I don't get to.

But, I know that even if you lived in Boston or in New Jersey, I still wouldn't see you every day or even every week, so is it really that different? Maybe not.

In the meantime, we have Skype. Thank god it's not 1982, right?

Love you,

Auntie K

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What You Know

Your mom sent along an excerpt from the journal she keeps about you. I was so amazed, I had to post some of it here.

"These are the phrases that you totally understand:
Turn the page
Turn out the lights
Where is bear?
Where is sheepy?
Where is kitty (rudy) either one you know
Where is puppy (simba) "
Where is daddy/mommy
Go get a book
Want to dance?
Where is your giraffe? And you will pick it out among other animals. (also will do the horse sometimes too!)
Where is the car, house, tree, puppy. You will pick out the right one most of the time. Your foam book pieces.
Let me kiss your toes/fingers.
Where are mommy's eyes (you look at my eyes)
Want some milk?
Want to eat?
Rub noses!
Give mommy/daddy/whoever a kiss.
Go give (blank) a kiss
Head butt
Where are the kids? ( you will go find the magnets on the fridge with pictures of kids on them)
Where is the music?
Come here please.
Let's go!
Want to read?
Want to walk?
Let's go for a walk.
Where is the light? (you will look up at it)
go get your sock."

Wow, little girl. That's a lot of info for someone who isn't even 10 months old yet. Nice job. And in other news, when you Skyped with me two nights ago, I saw your hair has taken a turn for the better. It's starting to even out and look like it belongs to a little kid instead of a baby! Congrats on that!


Auntie K

Monday, February 9, 2009


Look what I made of us! There is this iconic poster created by Shephard Fairey for the Obama campaign of a stylized Obama (like this) with HOPE underneath.

I made this one of us for you!


Auntie K

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Teeny Tiny Genius

Dear Sonia,

You went for your 9-month check up this week. You are barely breaking the 50 percentile in height and weight. You little pipsqueak.

But, cognitively, you're performing well above age level.

So, the kids might call you shrimp, but you can come up with 10 more clever words than that to call them back!

Love you,

Auntie Karen

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hi Girly!

Hello my niece,

I'm just writing to say hello and tell you I'm thinking about you. You "called" this morning on Skype and we had a little chat. It was nice to see you. And I'll see you for real on Friday. Yay!

I want you to know that the world is a good place and the people in it are good too. I really believe that, and I live my life with that in the forefront. Occasionally, someone might do something or say something that makes you think otherwise, but the point is that if you are a truth-teller and honest and good, those other people don't matter as much.

Your Nana used to tell me that no matter what I did, that if I could get up in the morning, look in the mirror and like what I saw, everything was okay. I have often repeated that to myself over the years. And I can. Every morning when I look in the mirror, I like what I see. So if you just grow up with that in mind, you can't go wrong.

You are so blessed to have wonderful, kind-hearted parents who love you but who also love each other. That will make it easier for you to be a pure girl. That's one of the reasons that it was easy (and is easy) for me to be.

I love you!

Auntie K

Monday, January 5, 2009

Confusing for a little baby

Dear Sonia,

For Christmas, I got a camera for my computer, so you can see me when we Skype.

We used it for the first time last night.

You were very confused. You looked at your mom, and back at the screen. You refused to laugh or smile at anything I said or did. (Granted, you had a mouthful of avocado and yogurt at the time.)

You looked back at your mom, reached out to grab her, ostensibly to make sure she, at least, was real.

You finally giggled when I made my oinking/snort noise at you.

We'll get the hang of it!


Auntie K