Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey Sonster,

You Skyped the other night while you were having dinner. You had two pigtails and you looked super cute. You flirted with the computer screen (me!) and you played peek with me. It was pretty cool.

Your nanny likes to make you pretty and dress you all up, so you also had on the cutest little outfit. And you were spitting food all over it. :) Hee hee.

In other news, you have two teeth. Or, at least that's the story your mom is telling. I couldn't see them on the screen. But I believe her. I do! By the time I see you either this summer or in September, I'm sure there'll be more. Chewing must be easier now, huh? All that gumming bananas was getting old.

'kay, chica. I'm out. It's 10 in the morning and I'm meant to be working!


Auntie K

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