Monday, May 18, 2009


Dear Sonia,

Our family has an interesting relationship with food. Hopefully you'll get your mom and dad's genes and not have to battle your way through a weight-loss life, but even if you do, you've got plenty of company (me included!).

Here's some foods you should never stop liking:

- bananas
- yogurt
- avocados (Although I'm not sure you like them now. Get on that.)
- brown bread (Forget the squishy white kind. Ick.)
- tofu (You dig it. Your Nana doesn't get it. Don't listen to her.)
- grapes (It's your candy. Keep it that way!)

Foods there's no need to ever eat (even though you probably will):

- Velveeta cheese
- french fries in mass quantities (remember I told you this in college)
- fried dough (one of your mom's favorites!)
- doughnuts (really. There's just no need.)

The less you cook something, the better it is! I mean this for veggies (steam 'em!) and red meat (your parents are well-done fans, so you and I will have to make a date with some medium rare meat so you get a real taste of beef!). Course, chicken and pork needs to be cooked enough (that pink middle doesn't work for them). Veggies and fruits are spectacular and nothing tastes better than a yogurt/milk/banana/frozen fruit of your choice smoothie made in the blender at home. YUM.

Most of all, food should be enjoyed and savored. A meal out should be special, but so should a meal cooked in. What spices you use matter (and you get to have more spice education than others because of your Indian half - pay attention!). Making a lovely meal for yourself at home at night is a great event. Not just because you have to eat, but because of how delicious it can be - and you made it!

Your mom is a baker. She loves it in a way I don't. Baking for me is a chore. But cooking, ah, there's nothing better.

We'll cook some great meals together. I'll teach you how to not measure. How to make a great meal out of whatever's in the fridge even if it doesn't look like it goes together. How to make an instant light sauce from a tiny bit of butter, some milk and a shake of flour. How to freeze just about anything to use later (I have two bags of bread remnants and a bag of bread crumbs in the freezer right now just begging to be turned into stuffing!).

Here's to food, 'arita! I can't wait to cook with you.

Auntie K

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009


Hey Sonster,

You Skyped the other night while you were having dinner. You had two pigtails and you looked super cute. You flirted with the computer screen (me!) and you played peek with me. It was pretty cool.

Your nanny likes to make you pretty and dress you all up, so you also had on the cutest little outfit. And you were spitting food all over it. :) Hee hee.

In other news, you have two teeth. Or, at least that's the story your mom is telling. I couldn't see them on the screen. But I believe her. I do! By the time I see you either this summer or in September, I'm sure there'll be more. Chewing must be easier now, huh? All that gumming bananas was getting old.

'kay, chica. I'm out. It's 10 in the morning and I'm meant to be working!


Auntie K