Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


You met Clifford at school today!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sonia's Rainbow

Dear Sonia,

You have started to read on your own. Congrats and welcome to the world of books! You've always loved them, but the real adventures are just beginning!

You are also doing great with your writing. You were working hard recently at your little craft table and you'd only asked your mom how to spell rainbow. Then you came over and handed your mom a sheet that said:

Sonia's Rainbow
I love Mommy
Mommy loves Sonia and Sage

You had an apostrophe in the right place in the first line. So your mom said, "Is that an apostrophe?" and you said, "What's an apostrophe?" And your mom said, "That dot right there before the "s" after your name. What is that?" And you said, "You know. I need that because I own the rainbow."

That's fantastic, Sonia - and a little amazing. Perhaps we can be grammarians together!


Auntie K

Monday, February 20, 2012


Dear Sonia,

Your daddy just sent along this photo of you in Colorado, beginning your THIRD year on skis!

So cool!


Auntie K

The Boss of Me

Dear Sonia,

Your mommy told me a hilarious story about you this week. For about three weeks, you've been responding with "You aren't the boss of me!" whenever Mom tells you to do something you don't want to do. She gives you the hairy eyeball every time. Finally, everything came to a head the other night.

You weren't eating your broccoli, and Mom was getting increasingly annoyed. You told her she wasn't the boss of you, and she again gave you that hairy eyeball and finally you ate it. A little while later, after you and your sister had a bit of a screaming match, she told you to go in your room while she took Sage to her room. You stood on the threshold of your room and said "You aren't the boss of me!" Mom told you to get in your room, NOW! So you went.

After your mom had dealt with Sage, she went back to your room. You were doing whatever you were doing, and your mom said something along these lines: "Excuse me, but I am your mommy. That means I AM the boss of you!"

You stopped dead in your tracks, looked at Mom, and said, "You ARE the boss of me?" like you'd never even considered what the phrase meant, let alone that it might be wrong.

Mom looked at you and said, "Yes. I AM the boss of you."

You looked right at her and said, "Oh. Okay."


First of all, we have no idea where you learned this phrase. Your mom thinks maybe it was in a book and I think maybe some kid at school used it. Either way, it's clear you understood in what context to use it, but didn't really understand what it meant. I love that. Smart enough to get usage down, but still too little to analyze meaning completely. This could get you in bigger trouble later, but we'll worry about that bridge when we get to the river.

Here's a song for you, by one of my favorite bands, They Might Be Giants, totally relevant to this story. Enjoy! CLICK HERE.


Auntie K