Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Dear Sonia,

You don't have any teeth yet. This is still within the realm of normal. We're not worried.

But the nosy woman at the grocery store yesterday was. She told your mom that it wasn't normal and that something might be wrong with you and that you should go to the dentist. Your mom made sure this nosy woman understood that you have a nurse and a doctor for parents, and you are all safe and medically taken care of. This woman didn't really care about that. She continued to tell your mom why you should be exposed to radiation at only 11 months to figure out where your teeth are hiding. Some people just don't know when to quit. (Or that they shouldn't even start to begin with!)

We're sure your teeth will all pop out at once, and the sweet, wonderful girl we know will be a monster when they do. We're not really looking forward to that, but we sort of are. Your Great Uncle J, who is a dentist, says not to worry. They are in there somewhere and will come out in good time.

So that lady at the grocery store? She should take care of herself better, instead of worrying about other people's children, because your mom said she looked like a hillbilly! :)

See you soon,

Auntie K

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