Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The No Boo Boo Place

Dear Sonia,

Your mommy emailed me today. You were having a conversation with her about your buddy, Rudy the cat. Rudy's getting up there in age. Your mom and I disagree with how old we think he is (we adopted him in 1998 and I think he was about a year old at that point but your mom remembers something else). In any case, he's about 14 this year. Getting old. He's never been a fan of anyone but your mom until you came along. And he looooooves you. And you loooooove him.

So this is what you guys said:

Mom: Rudy is getting so old (with a little sad face).
Sonia: Do you think Rudy will miss me when he goes to the no more boo boo place?
Mom: Yes, I think he will.
Sonia: I will miss him. I wish he could stay with us for a really long time.

Now, after I stop crying and wipe the tears off my cheeks because of how awesome this is, let me tell you what I think of this.

1. Your mom has apparently done a wonderful job teaching you about how Rudy will die at some point to prepare you. Good job, Mommy!

2. You have a nice little non-denominational view of the afterlife. That's nice.

3. Your mom thinks this is sad. It is. But Rudy is a cat, and there will be other pets in your life. And pet death is good practice for other deaths. (So says your very practical Auntie who has not lost anyone very important ever and that worries her.)

4. Sonia, my sweet, you first asked about how RUDY will feel. Not about how YOU will feel. YOUR feelings were secondary to Rudy's. How sweet is that?

Anyway, Rudy is your buddy and he loves you very very much. He will definitely miss you when he's gone. And you'll miss him. But you can always remember him as your first pet. Your first love.


Auntie K

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