Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Dear Sonia,

I wanted to make sure that you had this story in print.

You have a little giraffe called Sophie. That's her in the photo. It's a traditional French teether toy for babies. Apparently every French baby has one.

A good friend of mine needed some medical advice and your Daddy helped him out for free. He has a little girl too and she has one of these that her Great Uncle got her when she was a baby (he lives in France, so he knows). He knew how much his little girl liked hers, so he ordered a Sophie and sent it to your Daddy for you as a thank you.

You love it, apparently. You are also surrounded by giraffes. You have Henry, which your other Auntie K gave you (he's so soft!) and a giraffe in your circus train (which I've never seen, but word on the street is that it's super cool) and now Sophie! Someday we'll go see real giraffes, not in the zoo, on a safari! (Right after your Auntie K wins the lottery she doesn't play or marries rich -- both are equally likely.)

It's also very funny that this giraffe is named Sophie. That might be sort of your sister's name if you ever had one, maybe. But with an "f" and with an "a". Sofia. So okay, not really that close, but you get the idea.

Anyway, glad you like the little toy a friend of mine got you. He's heard a lot about you even though he hasn't met you. It was nice of him to think of you, huh?


Auntie K

1 comment:

susanvboss said...

how fun that you found a picture. she really does love chomping on her feet!