Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Me, Myself & I

Dear Sonia,

Yesterday, your Nana asked you who you love. And you started the list. Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Papa, and then you said Sonia. Apparently you usually do this.

But then, you paused for a minute and said "I love myself!" This is good in two ways. First, you've been taught to love yourself. Hold onto that one, girly. It'll serve you well. The second reason this is good is because you have fully grasped the concept of "myself". You've had "mine" down for a while, which is pretty normal. But to definitely say "I love Sonia" and then recognize that "Sonia" is "me" and that "I love me" means "I love myself" and use the pronoun properly is awesome. Good job!

You also, this week, put on a show for about 10 people singing an entire medley of nursery rhyme songs including Baa Baa Black Sheep, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Mary Had a Little Lamb. (That last one is tough, though. You can't really get past "Mary had a little lamb" to the "fleece is white as snow" part. You even pointed this out to your mom. "Mommy, don't know that one. Hard for me." Good to know one's areas for growth.)

I'm not that jealous that Nana and Papa are hanging out with you because I get to soon. Next month. Can't wait.

Love you,

Auntie K

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