Monday, December 20, 2010

SANTA is coming!

Dear Sonia,

My little Sonia-ita! Santa is coming! In only 4 more nights, Santa is coming to leave you presents under the tree. I heard a rumor that you think maybe he's bringing a bike. How awesome would that be?

I also heard that Santa sent you a video message! I have a feeling that this link won't be live when you get old enough to read this, but for now, it's cool to put it here. Here's your message from Santa. Ah, the time of technology. When I was a kid, we just hoped Santa got our letters or that the elves that he sent to make sure we were being good had heard us tell our mom what we wanted. Nowadays, he sends actual video messages! How cool!

So, dude, you've had some trouble waiting to open presents. You came into the kitchen last week carrying wrapping paper headed for the recycling bin. Mom stopped you and asked where it came from. You said you'd opened a present. Your mom said, what present? Was there anything good in there? Nope. Boxer shorts for the little boy you adopted through the charity to buy for. Your mommy told you those presents were for the little boy who needed help and that you couldn't just open presents because you felt like it.

Then she caught you again! I had sent a little something for you and Sage, and it was under the tree and you went to open it and your mommy stopped you and you said "Is that for the little boy too Mommy?" and your mommy said, "No, it's for you and Sage from Auntie K, but you can't just open presents because you find them!" So now all the presents are put away until Christmas because you can't help yourself. CORRECTION: I must have misunderstood this part of the story, because your mom has clarified in a comment below that you understood after this last one and you stopped. So all the presents remained safely under the tree till Christmas.

This is particularly hilarious because you are normally so well behaved and the picture of restraint. You don't put things in your mouth, you wouldn't touch something that someone told you not to, you understood not to touch hot things way early. Yet, here you are, ripping into presents no matter where you find them. You are just overcome.

You keep singing Jingle Bells over and over, but you only know the first line, so it gets a little redundant. But it's cute and we love you, so there you go. CORRECTION: You know all the words. This little tidbit came from your Nana, and she apparently told me wrong. My bad, little one. Of course you know all the words. What was I even thinking?

I'll miss you this Christmas. I'm going away with 4 friends to Puerto Rico for a vacation! Someday you'll be jealous I did that, believe me. :) In the meantime, I'll come see you in January when it's quiet again and we can spend some good time together and you can introduce me to your sister and show me your school, maybe. That would be cool.

Show Sage all about Christmas. It's her first one. She really little, but it is still good to get her up to speed on some things early. It's your job as a big sister.

Love you!

Auntie K

1 comment:

susanvboss said...

she was better about presents after i told her no! she never opened another one! they were all under tree for days!

she knows every single word to jingle bells...