Monday, November 1, 2010

A little hot, but okay....

Dear Sonia,

On the eve of Halloween, I asked you what you were going to do when you went to people's houses. And you said "TRICK OR TREAT" in a big voice. Then I asked what the people were going to give you and you said "TOOTSIE ROLLS AND LOLLIPOPS," these apparently being the only candy you are aware of.

Then I asked you if you were going to be too hot in the chicken suit or if you'd be okay. You said "I will be a little hot but okay." DUDE. Well put. Very smart.

Then I talked to your mom who was home alone (having taken first shift and then sent Nana out to catch up with you) trying to breast-feed Sage and answer the door to trick-or-treaters at the same time. The report back at the mid-point of your trek between Nama's house and your house was that you were a pro. Marching right up to strangers, sticking out your bag and declaring TRICK OR TREAT and then saying a proper THANK YOU! I figured you'd be more shy than that. Nope. If there are Tootsie Rolls and Lollipops at stake, apparently you can muster up some courage.

Your Nana sent me a horrible phone picture of you and Daddy at a door, but I could barely make it out, so I'll await real photos at some point instead.

I hope you're all hopped up on sugar today. That'd be fun for everyone.

Love you,

Auntie K

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