Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Dear Sonia,

So here I am, sitting at my computer at work on a gorgeous sunny day. It's only about 65 degrees out, which is my absolute favorite temperature, and we just came through about 5 days of rain, so I really hate that I'm inside.

All of a sudden, my phone, from deep inside my bag (my new bag, which I love (it has a penguin riding on a rooster on it!)), my phone goes "BING BONG!" This is the sound for receiving a picture-message on my phone. I knew it would be your Mommy or your Nana, sending me a photo of you.

It was! Look!

How totally hilarious are you? Look at those nostrils!

And then Nana texted me (which, by the way, you should note that your Nana knowing how to text is so great!) to say that she sure is going to miss you. She is leaving Texas to come home to Boston on Friday. She's been with you for three whole weeks! It will be hard for her to leave, I'm sure. (And even harder to go back to work - it's really easy to get used to not working after three whole weeks!)

Well, babe, this is two posts in one day, but this photo just couldn't wait!


Auntie K

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