Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Twelve days is too long to go without a post

Dear Sonia,

I just realized it's been 12 whole days since I wrote. Jeez. Slacker Auntie. I've been busy, though.

First, we had your Uncle S and other Auntie K's big party to celebrate their upcoming wedding. It was very fun. Out at Cobbett's, which is a pond in New Hampshire. Your great-great grandparents (Papa's grandparents) bought the house in 1920something and now Great Aunt F and Great Uncle J own it. They are tearing it down this year, so there's lots of parties happening there this summer.

Then, I had to go to Ohio to a wedding. That was a whirlwind trip. You can read about it here.

In the middle of all this, your Mom was getting ready to go back to work, which she did yesterday. She was having a hard time leaving you with your new nanny. She was so sad! She would call me up and cry a little because you were having trouble eating from the bottle. (You really like to snuggle up to your mom and breast feed. Who wouldn't?) I kept assuring her that you'd both be okay.

Yesterday, she had 18 physicals in one day! On her first day back! I think she didn't even have a moment to think about how sad she was, except when all the doctors and nurses kept asking her how you are and she had to tell them she couldn't talk about you because it was going to make her cry! (And nobody wants a physical from a NP who looks like she's been bawling, now do they?) She loves you that much!

When she got to the office yesterday morning, there was a special plant waiting for her with a note from me and you! I thought that if you had been able, you'd've sent her something pretty for her first day back. So I helped you out. It is a bamboo plant, like the photo here. She heard I had bought one and had mentioned getting one. It'll last for a really long time, so when you go to visit her in the office, you'll see it there!

Oh, you have to hear this story! Your mom and I were talking and she told me that you are a genius. Now, every mom thinks their kid is a genius, but after hearing this story, I think you might be! Your mom changed the little hanging toys on your bouncy seat. When she put you in with the new ones for the first time, you looked up, furrowed your brow, looked at your mom, and then when she cooed "Yeah, those are new friends for you" then you smiled. You knew they were new and you checked to make sure that was cool! Hilarious. Smartie pants. What are we going to do with you?

I'm so looking forward to seeing you again! You are coming to Boston in only 5 more weeks. I can't wait!


Auntie K

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