Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kayak happiness!

Dear Sonia,

I had promised you back on Mother's Day that I would update you after I took your Nana kayaking in Maine. We had a great time!

Your Nana is notorious for loving the ocean and also not liking to get her face wet. So this combination makes for an interesting life. She has never been in a kayak in her life and your Papa was a little worried (as was she, but her sense of adventure allows her to pretty much try anything -- good trait to have!). I've been kayaking a good bit so I wasn't worried and I knew she'd love it.

We met up with the two LLBean guides at 6. This was a new program for them this year, Women's Wednesday Kayak Trips. We were actually the first one ever! There were 12 of us in 6 boats, plus the guides. Your Nana sat in the front, so I could be in charge of steering in the back. After she really believed that the boat wasn't going to tip, she really settled in. She paddled like a champ as we made our way the 1.5 miles across Portland harbor to Fort Gorges. We arrived as the sun was going down and explored the fort a little bit and then had crackers, cheese, shrimp, and Martenelli's sparkling apple cider. It was really nice.

Your Nana refused to take off her life jacket or kayak skirt because she thought it would be too much work. So she looked like this as she walked around on the island (she wasn't the only one...):

I forced her to put on a jacket for the trip back because I was convinced she must be cold. (Who did I think I was, really?) On the way back, we lit up the front of our kayaks with LLBean lanterns in the front, so we looked like little fireflies going across the water. It was dark, then! Dark! It was 10 when we got back to shore on the other side. Your Papa was, of course, worried about us. He had called both our cell phones! We called him right away. (You'll learn this about your Papa. He's a worrier.)

It was a great trip. So much fun! I love getting out on the water no matter what, and your Nana loves Casco Bay harbor. Someday, I'll take you kayaking too! (And there's always canoeing at Cobbett's. Your mom and I have done that a bunch of times.)

By the way, your other Auntie K has declared you the cutest baby ever! We all can't wait until you come to visit in August.


Auntie K

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